About Us

In Marathi (and Telugu, Tamil) Katta means a platform (or bench) built around a tree or any boundary or wall surface, generally a place where people meet and talk. This usage - as a meeting place where ideas and pleasantries are exchanged - is popular in colleges.

Base for Gyankatta was established in the year 2006 with automated self-evaluating online quizzes for students. Several well known professors and educationists around India contributed questions, answers and their explanations to help Gyankatta evolve into a larger educational System. Time strengthens our commitment to the highest-quality academic experience for online students. We have pioneered in the online quizzes, making sure every course meets the highest academic standards, with best possible student support and comprehensive instructions.

Online course systems at Gyankatta are completely web-based; any one can access our online system anywhere you connect to the Internet: home, office, library, mall, coffeehouse, or any place where you can work comfortably. Online learning is meant to offer you a great deal of independence in scheduling flexibility and other course communications and tasks. Online courses still involve instructors and class mates. Feel free to contact your instructors whenever you need help or have questions. Every student enrolled with Gyankatta will have access to a personal student services adviser.

Online courses at Gyankatta are built around instructor-to-student and student-to-student communication through our reliable online course system via textual, audio and visual student-focused approach. Eventually, online learning is a great way to acquire knowledge as students manage their personal and career responsibilities. Gyankatta's online educational structure allows students to work on challenging course topics through a variety of available internet-based tools and services. These include Audio- and video-based lectures and presentations, discussion forums, lecture notes, and online chats.

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 July 2022, 4:34 PM