In this section students can attempt unlimited online Chemistry tests every day. Each test will comprise 40 questions (MCQs) to be attempted in 40 minutes only. Each test will have distinct questions covering whole chemistry syllabus from class 11th and 12th. To enrol and access this section and attempt examination, please create a free Gyankatta account and provide your account details (name, email, phone) to your institute coordinator. Individual students may also buy the examination modules here.

Phone / WhatsApp:

Tomorrow attempt this exam again
with new set of questions from whole syllabus.

Examination Open Time : Exam can be accessed any time any day  24 x 7.

Venue : Students may use their own phone or computer anywhere, according to their convenience. It is expected that students will not use any unfair means during test.

Pattern : Each test is strictly 40 minutes long to attempt 40 multiple choice questions (MCQ), covering the whole syllabus cumulatively. Open attempts beyond allotted time would be automatically submitted.

Result : Students may access their result, marks and explanations for the answers immediately after test submission. Students will be notified about the result by email too.

Validity : One Month

Chapter-wise Tests

300+ Tests

For the Beginners

Build your basic concepts

Test and learn every day
Total 100+ hours of tests

Whole Syllabus Tests

150 Mock Test

Start Today

Get rid of exam fear and anxiety

Test your preparation
Total 100 hours of Tests

Chapter-wise Tests

20 Quality Tests

Test your concepts

Test your preparation at 11th hour

Identify your weaker points
Total 13+ hours of Tests

from whole syllabus, 40 Questions, 40 minutes each

Last modified: Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 10:24 AM